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  BlakeI`m on business <a href="">woohslim switzerland review</a> Timpson set out his stall in an emotional letter to foster carers just before Christmas, promising them more in-depth training and greater powers to act on child­ren’s behalf. He has also pledged to look into the educational attainment of looked-after child­ren – only 15 per cent achieve five good GCSEs, compared with 58 per cent of child­ren not in care. He admits to a mounting sense of panic that he may not have time in office before the general election in 2015 to see everything through. Certainly he has a crisis on his hands. Of the 1,900 children’s homes in the UK, 75 per cent are privately run (some of them home to only one child), costing local authorities up to £250,000 per child a year. Children are routinely placed hundreds of miles away from their home towns, leaving them desperately vulnerable, with highly organised trafficking gangs potentially knowing more about their whereabouts than the local social services. According to figures obtained by the NSPCC, somewhere in the region of 10,000 child­ren went missing from care last year – and that is probably a gross underestimate, as only 29 out of 43 police forces in England and Wales responded to the survey in full. The Government’s official figure is 930, which is so way off the mark that it brings the entire care system into question. In fact in April last year the All Party Parliamentary Group for Runaway and Missing Children and Adults found the system not fit for purpose. 11/16 09:53
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