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װ Ƽ..?   ڷ ȭп ѷָ  ɱ..?

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츮 ĿǸ ڷ Ÿ ø,

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2. / ȣ к ߰ Ѵ.

3. 츮 ڷ ܳ λ깰 ɷ ִ ɷ .

4. ׷κ λ깰 ظ ģ.

5. 츮 ʿ ̳׶, Ÿ ҵ ǰų

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6. ä ڷ ϴ .

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ڱ 'ְ'Ǵ ̴.


ڸ ĸ ̿Ѵٰ ϳ׿. !!!

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ӻ󿬱 ķ ǰ Լ

Ҹ ü ϴ ϴ ۷κ ġ ߰ߴ.


þƿ 1976 ؿԴµ,

ǰ м ڷ ǰ, , äҿ

߾˹ Ǹ, Ư Ѹäҿ ıϰ ϴ

Է Ѵٴ Ȯߴ.

Į̵, ۷ڽõ, õ, Ʈνõ Ĺ ҵ ߴ.


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ֱ  ڷ ؿ ̷ ̾߱ Ÿ ǰ ־

ۿ ξ ڷ Ϻ Ұմϴ.



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İ ڰ ž Ű ǰ µ ϴµ ڱ 'ְ'ȴ. ڷ ϴٴ GMO 缱ǰ 赵 ̴. ( ȵǴ Ҹ!!! ˴ϴ. ֳϸ GMO 缱ǰ 츮 ϴ ͺٴ ɼ .)




ڷ 2 ۽ 漭 ߸Ͽ. ÿ ũ(microwave: 1mm 1m Ī) ̴ ̿ߴµ, 漭 ũ ߻ġ ׳Ʈ ָӴ ݸ ƹ ߰Ͽ. ̰ ڷ ̾. (ڷ ġ̹Ƿ ݸ Դϴ. ̾߱ ̾߱. üϷ ٸ Ѱ???) ڱĴ ⿡ ݴ ٲٱ⸦ ϸ ĵ̴. 1ʵ ٲٱ ݺϴ Ƚ '' ϴµ ڷ 24 5õ ũĸ ̿Ѵ. ڴ ϳ Ŀٶ ҿڿ ҿڰ 2 پִ. ũİ ħϸ þ ҿڵ Һ ϰ ̱ ϰ, Һ ٷ پִ ڵ ġų ϸ鼭 Ⱑ Ͼ. ٸ κп ޵Ǹ鼭 ʹ ̴. (׷ϱ Ѹ Ըϸ ǰ Ѵٴ !!) ڷ α⸦ ٸ ƴ нƮǪ , α , ̴. ȭ ô뿡 ð ̱ ڷ ð ְ ִ ڸ ߴ. ۽ÿ ̿ ų ų ٴ Ŀ ȭ⳪ ⸦ ϴ ̶ ڴ ٲ ʴ´. ߰ſ ̴. ( ȵǴ Ҹ!  ̵ µ ̸ Ÿε ıǰ ܹ ǰ δ ߾Ϲ ϴ. ׷ ź ݾƿ!!!)  ڸ ĸ ̿Ѵٴ ! İ ο ڸ ֱ ڱ ̰ϱ ̴. Ĵ ٲٰ ڿ¿ ʴ ο ڸ . ( ȵǴ Ҹ! ʼ⿡ ķ ִ´ٴ Ҹ ó̱!) ̷ 1989<> Ǹ ڷ ƿ ƹ̳ · ȯǴ ߴ. (Lancet 1989 12 Ǹ  ƴ϶ ڿ , letters to the Editor, ε ڷ ϸ ƹ̳ ̼ȭȴٴ ̾߱Դϴ. Aminoacid isomerisation and microwave exposure.ε 1991 ٸ  " " Ǿϴ. ̾߱ ڷ . Ѱܷ21 Ⱥ ذ϶!  ϼ)




Ŀ 1_Ѹ̶ ƹ̳ Ű 忡 طο · ٲٴ ˷. (Ŀ ڷ ũĴ ٸ ε ƹư ̰ ó ̹Ƿ ϴ н!) ӻ󿬱 ķ ǰ ϶Լ Ҹ ü ϴ ϴ ۷κ ġ ߰ߴ. (Ƹ ѽ ̾߱? "" ŷ Դϴ.  Ŭ) þƿ 1976 ؿԴµ ( ! þ ͳ Ʈ  ڷ Ǹϴ ãƺ!) ǰ м ڷ ǰ, , äҿ ߾Ϲ Ǹ, Ư Ѹäҿ ıϰ ϴ Է Ѵٴ Ȯߴ. Į̵, ۷ڽõ, õ, Ʈθνõ Ĺ ҵ鵵 ߴ. (ڷ ϰ Ѵٴ   ٶϴ.) ڷ ϴٴ GMO 缱 ǰ 赵 ̴. ΰ ִ Ÿ ý  ° ϼ ȭ 깰̴.  ٰ  (̰ ) ڵ ȿ ϴٰ Ѵ. ׷ ̾߱ ̴.




1. ڷ κ ٰŰ .

2. ڷ Ӹ ƴ϶ ų ų Ƣ ݾ Ͼ 츮 ǰ ũ ĥ ƴϴ. ( ū °ε Ǵ ҿ ̴.)


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 ˰ ڷ ؼ Դ ̶µ, 

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ȸ ֹ 츲 ģ 

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θ ä ۵Ű Ҳ Ƣ ϴ.



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ε巯 ûϱ .

İ ̹ Ҳ ƢǷ ϰ ߼ ۰

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ڷ ܺθ ü ̿ ۴ ⺻̳ Ŭ

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Ͱ  ڵ ޴ Ż ̿ϸ û ִ.







ڷ ִ ȿ̴.

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ô뿡 öƽ 𿡳 Ѵ. 2008 ѱ ù Ǿ ̼ҿ ó ѱ ķ öƽ ֿ ſ ߿ Ǿ.

Ļ θ Ǵ ǰ öƽ̴. öƽ ⺻ Ͽ ϰ ϱ Ŀ ٽ Ͼų ÷Ǿ (öƽ ε巴 ִ ) ִ ɼ ־ Բ 쿡 ؾ Ѵ. θ ̴ ǰ ü ϴٰ ˷ ְ 븦 ص ʰ ȴٰ ƿ̴. ̰ Ư µ ǰų ִ. öƽ κ Ͼ Ư Ǵ ڷ ſ ؾ ʿ䰡 ִ. ǰ 30ʰ ڷ ũĿ ϸ ڵ ȸϰ ǰ ȸ  ڿ ޵Ǹ ü żϰ ȴ. ̷ öƽ ǰ Ŀ ǰ κ ̴ ڵ ϰ ȴ.

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