몇달 전 매일경제 심시보 기자가 특별기획 취재차 뉴욕을 방문한 일을 계기로 Dr. Steinman 과 인터뷰를 한 적이 있었다. 그런데 그때 나왔던 기사에서도 그렇고 이번에 나온 기사에서도 그 인터뷰의 전체가 소개되지 않았고, 일부 소개된 인용 부분도 그 번역에서 약간의 오류가 보인다.
Dr. Steinman 이 한국에게 준 유언 비슷한 것이 되어 버린 그 인터뷰의 전체를 아래에 옮겨 본다.
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From: "Ralph Steinman" To: "Shibo Shim(심시보)" Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2011 6:53 PM
Dear Dr. Ralph Steinman,
I have learned that you are one of the prominent scientists in the Rockefeller University, who pioneered the dendritic cell biology and received the Lasker Award for this.
I am currently writing a special story on investing the future of Korean sciences. For this, I will be really grateful to you if you can give brief answers for my questions below.
<질문1> I heard that, since your discovery of dendritic cells, your pioneering researches took many years before gaining the world-wide recognitions. What was the most important factor(s) for you to be able to continue and accomplish your long, pioneering, and successful scientific effort? <답변1> I was fortunate to have support for the long period that was required, an excellent mentor, and brilliant young colleagues.
<질문2> What do you think of the Nobel Prize for sciences as a scientist? <답변2> Prizes have a positive role to highlight areas of science to the public, governments and philanthropists who want to learn about and understand major advances. Prizes help these critical supporters of science participate more easily -- as is essential -- since we all must work together.
<질문3> What are the expected direction of your research and its achievements in the future? <답변3> I would like to help young scientists begin path breaking research through the study of dendritic cell biology, and I want my own research to contribute to a big gap, the need to better direct the immune system to resist infection and cancer, and to avoid unwanted allergic and inflammatory diseases.
<질문4> If you can find a better environment, are you willing to move your lab to overseas, e.g. Korea? <답변4> My environment is superb and also, when one is as old as I am, we say that people become “set in their ways”. But I am very enthusiastic to help scientists in other countries develop research programs that bring together immunology and medicine.
<질문5> Korean government is planning to invest about ~4 billion dollars over 7 years to build a so-called Basic Science Institute. Could you give any advice or suggestion for such investment? <답변5> There are many elegant basic sciences but I would strongly advise to be sure that strong support is given to immunology and to new immune based preventions and treatments. The immune system is involved in many major areas of medicine and it is already responsible for many of the biggest successes in medicine like vaccines.
Thank you vey much for your precious time to answer my questions.
Shibo Shim Deputy Editor Science & Technology Section Maeil Business Newspaper |