lovely letters
hit : 1121 date : 2009-11-06 11:41:48
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"ȫ" summary

Hester Prynne has shocked the Puritans of Boston by committing adultery. Two years before the opening of the story, she was sent to America alone by her husband to await his coming. As far as the world knows, Hesters husband, Dr. Prynne (an elderly scientist), has disappeared. All of Boston is anxious for Hester to tell the name of her secret lover, the father of her child named Pearl. Hester leaves the prison and walks to the market place where she mounts the steps of a scaffold. The magistrates have been merciful to her -- she has not been condemned to death for her crime against society.

However, she is to stand on the scaffold for several hours so that the townspeople may see her, the tiny, three-months old baby, and the cloth scarlet letter "A" which she wears on her bosom. Governor Bellingham, the Reverend John Wilson, and the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale try to get Hester to name her lover. She refuses, much to the relief of Dimmesdale. While Hester is trying to forget the horror of the present (by remembering the past), she sees a familiar figure on the edge of the crowd. This "stranger" is her husband, Dr. Prynne, who cautions her (by placing a finger to his lips) against recognizing him publicly. Later, in the prison, Dr. Prynne (under the newly assumed name of Roger Chillingworth) comes to see Hester and ask her to tell the name of Hesters lover. She refuses to tell him. He then forces her to take an oath that she will not admit to anyone that he is her husband.

Soon Hester leaves the prison and takes up residence in a small cottage by the seashore. She earns her living by fine sewing and embroidering, especially on elaborate garments for the magistrates (judges) to wear on special occasions. Hesters child, Pearl, grows into a beautiful child, but she is a child who will not be managed easily. Sometimes, her mother is upset at the "freakish, elfish" look that comes into Pearls eyes. Hester goes to Governor Bellinghams mansion to see him, for she understands that he among others feels that Pearl should be taken from her. While they are waiting for the Governor to appear, Pearl is highly amused to see her mothers scarlet letter "A" reflected in the brightly polished metal surface of the breastplate of a suit of armor. Governor Bellingham soon appears and, aided by Reverend Wilson, questions Pearl about her religious education. The response is so unsatifactory to the Governor that he feels sure that Pearl should leave her mother. Then Hester appeals to Dimmesdale who is standing nearby. He convinces Governor Bellingham that it would be best for all if Hester and Pearl were to remain together.

Roger Chillingworth, suspicious of Arthur Dimmesdale, becomes his medical attendant and constant companion. Eventually, the two men live in the same house. Chillingworth, in general terms, baits Dimmesdale, discussing the value of confession in relieving the burden of a guilty soul. Dimmesdale answers him in general terms about confession. He explains why he believes some people dare not confess: they are afraid that they will lose their good reputations and will then have no further opportunity to serve mankind. They part, almost in a quarrel. Later, Chillingworth walks into the chamber of the sleeping Dimmesdale and lifts away the upper part of his garment to reveal a horrifying sight on Dimmesdales breast. Dimmesdale punishes himself by long night watches, sometimes whipping himself, at other times fasting or praying for long hours. Once in a while he studies his face reflected in a mirror.

One night he feels that he can stand this no longer. He goes out into the market-place and mounts the steps of the scaffold where Hester once stood in penance. He shrieks aloud, but no one hears him but Governor Bellingham and his sister, Mistress Hibbins, who peer out their windows and then quickly go back to bed. Soon, Hester and Pearl walk by, on their way home from the bedside of the dying Governor Winthrop. At Dimmesdales request, the two join him on the scaffold, and the three join hands there. Chillingworth soon appears and after a meteor has lighted up the landscape, leads Dimmesdale home. Hester is surprised at the weak state of health in which she finds Dimmesdale. She knows that Chillingworth has been subtly torturing him, so she resolves to seek out the old physician to see if she can aid the unhappy minister. She talks with Chillingworth and ends up saying that she "Must reveal the secret," that is, explain that the old physician is her husband.

Learning that Dimmesdale has journeyed into the forest to see the Apostle Eliot "among his Indian converts," Hester waits for the visiting minister in the forest. Pearl plays nearby in the sunshine, which always disappears when Hester approaches. Dimmesdale arrives with his hand over his heart -- a familiar gesture of his. Hester tells Arthur Dimmesdale that his "friend" Chillingworth is his enemy. He is disturbed at the news. Then he and Hester make plans to escape the colony with Pearl. Hester removes her scarlet letter and lets down her long hair from under a tight cap. They invite Pearl to join them, but the child will not approach until Hester replaces the scarlet letter on her breast. The plans for the escape are completed. They will leave on Monday, the day after Arthur Dimmesdale delivers the Election Sermon (a great honor to any Boston minister). On the way home from the forest, Dimmesdale (temporarily relieved from pangs of conscience and remorse) meets, and is tempted to say evil words to, the following people: one of the elderly deacons of his church; the oldest "female member" of his congregation; the newest and youngest feminine member of his church; a group of little Puritan children; a member of the "ships crew from the Spanish Main"; and Mistress Hibbins. He resists the temptation to shock or surprise them.

He arrives home, eats a good meal, and spends all night writing his Election Sermon. On the day of the New England Holiday set aside to celebrate the annual election of the chief magistrate, there is a procession made up of musicians, of soldiers, of the leading magistrates, and of the speaker of the day -- the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale. The minister seems full of energy. He does not know that the ship captain has just informed Hester that Chillingworth will be one of the traveling party on board the ship bound for Bristol, England. Hester faintly hears Dimmesdales sermon as she stands near the scaffold. He thrills his audience with his expressive Election Sermon. When the crowd is in the market-place, it loudly cheers him.

As the procession forms again and starts to leave the market-place, Dimmesdale is seen to be weakly tottering. Refusing all help, he stops when his part of the procession nears the scaffold. He calls Hester and Pearl to him, and with Hesters help he climbs the scaffold steps. (Chillingworth tries to stop him.) Then Arthur Dimmesdale confesses that he is Pearls father, after which he reveals the "red stigma" (unhealed wound) on his breast. After this, he dies on the scaffold. The story concludes with differing opinions of what people believed they heard and saw in the market-place on the scaffold. Chillingworth loses his purpose (of vengeance) in life, and he dies within the year, leaving much property in England and America to Pearl. Soon, Hester and Pearl leave Boston and disappear.

Later, Hester returns alone and again taking up her badge of shame -- the scarlet letter "A". She lives alone in the same small cottage by the seashore. It is thought that Pearl is happily married in Europe. After a long, full life of giving advice to women who are troubled by affairs of the heart, Hester dies and is buried beside Arthur Dimmesdale.

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